I want you to take you through a trip down memory lane as I revisit some of my all time
fruit machines that I have encountered in pubs, clubs and arcades. Picking a top 5 from the many hundreds I have played over the years was quite difficult but also nostalgic and fun. Although some of these machines will be quite hard to find, I have included the reel diagrams when possible. If you do find one of these machines that will come in very handy for when you get nudges so I hope this helps you to play.
5.Big Breakfast 7 till 9
Big Breakfast -
Old School Fruit Machine This slot based on the early morning channel 4 show “The Big Breakfast” which ran from 1992 to 2002 was not the most common fruit machine around and was quite difficult to find. What made this game so fun to play was that the feature was quite regular which made the game engaging and fun to play. The thing I really loved about this machine was that if you lost on the feature then the feature would spin back in on the next turn on a very high number of occasions. This often turned disappointment into joy.
4.The Big Cheese
The Land-Based Slot Big Cheese Out of all the games on my top 5, this is the one I deliberated about the most as it is just so infuriating! It is one of those games were you are not really sure if you are enjoying yourself or not. What I mean is that you very often get a feature board but this 95% of the time results in a game over. The flip side of this though is once the machine pays out, it tends to really pay out! So this means you normally are very happy or very miserable. There has been a few occasions I have promised never to touch this bandit ever again but a week later and a pocket full of quid coins I somewhat changed my mind!
3.Red Hot Roll
Red Hot Roll - Offline Slot Considering my love for feature-rich fruit machines, it is probably a bit of a surprise that this machine has hit my top 5 as it doesn’t feature an interactive sub game or many of the other features I usually look for. However, what makes this game a long-standing favourite is the excellent streaks that happen when you get 3 x roll symbols in view. There are 3 types of streaks on offer. The mixed streak is a combination of blue and red roll symbols, the blue streak is 3 blue roll symbols in view and offers better payout than the mixed one. Last but not least is the crème de la crème, the red streak which offers by far the best payout. Very simple to play but the buzz of a prolonged streak is still as real today as it has always been.
2.Indiana Jones
Indiana Jones -
Real Money Slot. Compared to some of the more modern games, this does seem a bit primitive nowadays but I remember the many hours I have spent on this little beauty. Although the feature is very basic, the use of samples from the film give it an exciting feel but I guess the most exciting part of the game is the ambush square on the feature! Get shot and it’s game over, the way the bullets slow down in the chamber really builds up the suspense. When I first started playing this game it was back in the days before all cash payouts and would often end up with pockets full of tokens. Luckily for me you could exchange them for beers at the bar so never was a token wasted!
1.Boulder Dash
Boulder Dash - Old School FruitieProudly sitting at the top of the pile is the excellent Boulder Dash from Barcrest. Like Indiana Jones, this machine looks very basic compared to modern games with their stacked wilds and full motion video, but for pure playability it is hard to beat! The machine follows a format very popular in its time which is to have simple symbols (melons, sevens, pounds, bars and a jackpot symbol) with some of the symbols having numbers on which advance the trail on the right hand side. Manage to get a total of 4 and the bonus would be activated which would allow you to try for stopper, true skill, super hold, numbers in view and trial boost to name just a few!
Numbers past 9 would start the Boulder Dash feature but getting 10 on the trail would give you a bonus, 11 grants you an extra live and 12 grants you a repeat advance. This certainly wasn’t the most generous of machines I used to play but for pure playability and engagement then this is definitely one of the best I have tried.
These machines are quite rare to see nowadays which is a shame and the best bet is looking in older arcades in seaside towns. However, If you can’t find any of these machines I recommend you try out MFME (Multiple Fruit Machine Emulator) – this uses the actual roms that were in the machines so they play exactly the same as the machine themselves, any cheats or ways to win that you discover will work on the actual machines themselves.
casino-profit.biz is a great source for both emulators and rooms.
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